Hi, I am Renée,

I am a Life Coach and Behavior Change Specialist and with a powerhouse blend of neuroscience, behavior change psychology, and biblical wisdom, I am on a mission to empower you to reach your goals and step into your God-given destiny.

Through personalized coaching, I help you kick obstacles to the curb, shatter limiting beliefs, renew your mind, and lock in habits for unstoppable success. I'm dedicated to helping you achieve holistic health in mind, body, and spirit so you can live life with total freedom and joy.

Whether you've been hustling hard or feeling stuck in a rut, I’ve got your back! It is time for you to experience epic clarity, breakthroughs, and game-changing growth because you were created to walk in freedom and live an abundant life.

Be transformed by renewing the way you think.

My Story

Most of us KNOW what to do to reach our goals, but we don’t do it consistently enough to make lasting change. Why?

This was the question I found myself asking when it came to so many of my goals AND my client’s goals. Health goals, money goals, spiritual growth goals, parenting goals, relationship goals…

I knew what to do to reach my goals, but kept coming up short.

You see, I did not have a knowing problem. I am an avid reader and a podcast junky. I love to research and take courses, and even hire coaches to learn all I can about the areas I want to grow in.

Knowing wasn't the issue; it was consistency in action that eluded me.

So, I embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind human behavior. Delving into neuroscience and the psychology of behavior, I sought to unearth the underlying causes of stagnation, self-sabotage, and the perpetual cycle of reverting to old patterns. Through this journey, I uncovered a powerful convergence: neuroscience validates the timeless wisdom of God's Word, affirming that by renewing our minds, we can experience transformation.

This realization ignited a passion within me to share this profound truth: that we possess the ability to rewire our brains and unlock the transformation we desire.

If you want to make lasting change and finally reach those goals, you have to go beyond knowing.

And dare I say you must even go deeper than doing. You need a transformation that starts with your identity, your beliefs, and your thoughts. This journey isn't merely about accumulating knowledge or taking action; it's about a fundamental shift in how you perceive yourself and the world around you. By aligning your identity and beliefs with truth and rewiring your thought patterns, you can unlock the power of transformation and step into a life of abundance and fulfillment